We welcome all meditation practitioners, who meditate diligently to attain nibbana in this very life. So monastery facilities are available to all Sangha community and male yogis . (Since we don’t have facilities for female yoginies yet).
Those who wish to meditate with us, please send your request to :
We’ll help you to process your visa, after considering your request.
Environment and Wildlife
The monastery is bordered to Yan Oya River in two sides and having lush naturally grown forest. Even though the monastery is situated in so called dry zone in Sri Lanka, the micro climatic condition is different to the inherent features of the zone due to the presence of adjacent river.
Many thousands of hectares of forest land can be seen, when you climb up to the hilly areas of the monastery. Elephants, deers, Sambar, wild boar and peacocks are regularly roaming around the monastery premises, while leopards and bears are also living in the monastery forest and are rarely seen. We love environment and wildlife, so we share our merits with those who are not dumping polythene and plastic in the monastery and surrounding environment.
Village Alms Round
Twice a week resident monks of the monastery go for alms round, to the nearby village Urewa, Padaviya. The whole journey is about 8 km and it will take about two and a half hours to get sufficient food by going door to door and come back to the monastery. Since the alms round path is crossing thick forest we do not encourage you to participate for the same. But it is a real adventurous excursion in one hand and on the other it can be used to practice walking meditation and share loving kindness to all beings, if you participate at your own risk.
Moral Disciplines
We are following strict moral disciplines or Vinaya Rules, layed by the lord Buddha. Accordingly all Bhikkhus and Samaneras have to follow their respective code of conduct and lay practitioners have to take eight precepts, throughout their stay at the Monastery.
1. Food
We provide two meals (both veg. and non-veg) during the dawn time to noon, normally at 6.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. We would also provide herbal drink or fruit juice in the evening at 5.00 p.m
2. Lodging
We have three types of accommodation facilities
- Drip ledged rock caves
- Cement and brick rooms
- wattle and daub houses
The drip ledged rock caves had been developed in pre-Anuradhapura era about 2000 years ago. We have few of these archaeologically valued rock Caves with engraved drip ledges, which can be considered as a tangible heritage of the monastery.
We also have well-built cement and brick individual Kutis (chambers), where you get attached bathrooms.
The wattle and daub houses have been built by the nearby villagers as a wholesome community project.
You will normally get a single cement and brick room for your stay. But for some occasions you may have to share the facilities as well.
Drip Ledged Rock Caves
Cement & Brick Rooms
Wattle and Daub Houses
3. Medicinal needs
Government hospitals are located at Pulmudai and Padaviya in a reasonable distance to the monastery; where you could take your medicinal needs free of charge.
4. Transport Facilities
Since the monastery is located nearly 15km away from the main road where you could take the public bus transport facilities.So, we could arrange you a taxi at your own expenses for a reasonable price.
But for the ordained person (Bhikkhu or Samanera), monastery will provide the service considering your request.5
5. Electricity Supply
Almost all the accommodation places have been supplied with the solar lighting and electronic device charging facilities.
The almsgiving devotees’ accommodation place and their kitchen, which is located 1km away from the monastery premises is supplied with main grid electricity.